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How to plan for hybrid working
After the first national lockdown lifted in 2020, the BBC reported on research findings that nine in 10 employees would like to continue working from home if they were...
Pay It Forward: The benefits of giving graduates a chance
In December 2020, ViewHR instructed Ollie, a recent Business Management graduate, to create a business marketing project that aligned with our goals and would help to move our marketing...
Employment Case Law Update – 2021 So Far
Here at ViewHR we like to stay up-to-date with the latest employment law cases, and the impacts these may have for employers.  2021 has been a busy year so...
Case study: Company Restructure
In 2018/19, ViewHR played an instrumental role in the merger of prestigious London and international law firms through its provision of reorganisation and restructuring expertise. The merger was a...
Managing Menopause in the Workplace
Did you know that “menopausal women are the fastest-growing workforce demographic”? That with the rising state pension age, one in three people in the workforce will soon be over...
Gender Pay Gap Reporting – Frequently Asked Questions
What is Gender Pay Gap Reporting? Since 2017 certain employers have had to follow regulations which require them to report data showing if they have a gender pay gap. ...
How ViewHR can help HR Professionals move projects forward
In an ideal world, every HR project that is identified within a company would be put on the annual HR plan, be delivered on time and within budget, but...
How to create a fantastic employment proposition
Now is the time for businesses to evaluate their employee proposition as we transition back into the workplace post pandemic.   With the end of restrictions in sight, increased...
Leading Teams Back Together
While we are not out of the woods with COVID-19 yet, many businesses are beginning to plan for a gradual return to work. For some employees, this will be...
Case Study: Insights Discovery
A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves and their colleagues and to make the most of the...
How To Conduct an Effective Grievance Investigation
In a recent blog, we discussed the initial steps for responding to an employee grievance.  Before making a decision about the employee’s grievance, and how it might be resolved, it...
Workplace Covid testing extended to smaller employers
Workplace testing is set to play an integral part in the roadmap to reopening businesses in the UK. As of 6th April, businesses with more than 10 employees are...
5 Top Tips for reducing stress
April marks ‘Stress Awareness Month’ which means, there is no better time to stop and ask ourselves the question, “Am I doing ok?” What is stress? When we are...
Menopause Awareness in the Workplace
The website Menopause in the Workplace has published data from the Office for National Statistics which shows that “menopausal women are the fastest growing workforce demographic”, and that with...
Physical Wellbeing Tips for Employees Working from Home
If you are an employer who has employees working from home because of Covid, you will be aware that this comes with both advantages and disadvantages for employer and...
The Benefits of implementing HR Software in your business
With the growth of your business, the number of employees grows too and gradually, the burden of keeping up with the admin can really start having an impact on...
Furlough Leave – An Employee Perspective
Furlough leave is one big holiday… right? Whilst many people who have found themselves working harder than ever in response to the challenges of the pandemic may have found the...
Why are workplace investigations important?
Harassment is one of the most frequent complaints brought by employees. Conducting effective workplace investigations, whether in response to acts related to race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other...
How can employers support shared parental leave?
In 2015, the UK Government first introduced Shared Parental Leave (or SPL) and Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP), which enables parents to share up to 50 weeks of leave...
Choose Happiness
Due to popular demand, we have decided to run a series of mental health and wellbeing coffee sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to learn, share and develop your...
Guide to testing and COVID 19 vaccines for employers
As the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout continues, employers need to prepare for the impact on their workforce. While the vaccination can prevent serious illness in the person who has...
How to bring employees back from furlough?
Are you hoping to welcome your employees back to the workplace soon, after a period of working from home or furlough leave? If so, it may be beneficial to...
How to prepare for IR35
What is IR35? IR35 is a tax anti avoidance rule, designed to tackle disguised employment. Disguised employment is when an organisation engages an individual contractor to provide services using...
How to Show Employee Appreciation
Did you know that the first Friday of every March is national Employee Appreciation Day?  This means that Employee Appreciation Day 2021 is on Friday 5th March.  Most employers...