April marks ‘Stress Awareness Month’ which means, there is no better time to stop and ask ourselves the question, “Am I doing ok?”
What is stress?
When we are faced with a perceived harmful attack or event, a physiological reaction is triggered in our body, this causes our adrenal glands to release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol; adrenaline elevates blood pressure and increases heart rate whilst the cortisol increases the level of glucose (sugars) in the bloodstream; both working to give you that well-needed energy boost, so you can ‘fight or flight’ to survive.
Is this reaction Good or Bad?
This natural energy boost is pretty spectacular, but in our modern, ever-connected, busy lives, the stressful situations we deal with are not usually life or death, so in fact, this wonderfully natural reaction, could now be causing us harm. Studies have shown that long-term (chronic) exposure to stress causes our body to keep producing cortisol, and elevated cortisol levels can create a whole host of physical and mental health issues including anxiety and depression, digestive problems, insomnia, headaches and weight gain.
A recent survey by Forth found that during Covid-19 lockdown, there was a 76% increase in stress felt every day and 52% increase in stress felt several times a week. In addition, 38% experienced stress once a week pre-lockdown, and this increased to 56% post-lockdown.
So, what can we do about it?
There are many methods of dealing with stress and we can make changes in our day-to-day lives in order to combat the effects. The study by Forth highlighted the positives in terms of exercise uptake: 18-24 year olds are getting more sleep and feeling less anxious, and areas with high numbers of elderly people are doing more exercise. However, the first thing to do is to be aware. Understanding your stress levels is necessary before you can take any action to resolve it.
Due to the pandemic, many people have found themselves under increased stress. Here are our top tips for reducing stress:
1.Stay active and get outside
For many, exercise is a fantastic stress reliever; releasing tension, clearing your mind and giving you a boost of endorphins which are the body’s natural pain medication; serotonin in particular, is known to improve mood and elevate the feeling of wellbeing.
The NHS recommends that: ‘adults aged 19 and over should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity – such as fast walking or cycling – a week.’
Not only does exercise offer an escape and a chance to calm the mind and think clearly about what is causing our stress, but improved fitness and health also leads to increased self-esteem and confidence which can help to reduce stress anxiety. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, and hearing natural sounds, like the birds singing, is also said to have a hugely advantageous effect on improving our mood. So try to get outside, try a new activity, and give yourself a chance to process the situation that is causing you stress.
2. Listen to music
Music has long been a favourite stress management tool, in particular, slow, classical music (not everyone’s favourite!). It can relax and calm by lowering the heart rate, pulse and blood pressure as well as actively lower the levels of stress hormones.
According to Psych Central “when people are very stressed, there is a tendency to avoid actively listening to music. Perhaps it feels like a waste of time, not helping to achieve anything. But as we know, productivity increases when stress is reduced.”
Like exercise, music can provide a well-needed break or escape away from stressful situations or problems so you can calm down, clear your head and face the problem again feeling more prepared.
There are so many sources of calming music from great classical, calming instrumental or peaceful meditative playlists, so whether you enjoy the radio, YouTube, Spotify or iTunes find a station or playlist that suits you and add some more music to your life; try listening whilst you drive, on your commute to work, or whilst walking the dog. Or perhaps make time to de-stress; take 5 minutes out of your day to purposefully go for a short walk to listen to music.
3. Incorporate the ‘natural’
Bringing flowers and plants into our lives can help to de-stress, promote sleep and clear our environment of harmful toxins.
The phrase “sleep on it” definitely applies when it comes to stress. The worry that stress can cause, no matter whether it’s stress about work, money, relationships, can overwhelm and cause anxiety, which is why sleep is a vital aspect of de-stressing the mind and body. As it allows us to process our thoughts and worries, but if the stress is causing insomnia or difficulty sleeping, we are not getting the important rest we need to clear our minds.
This is where nature comes in, flowers and plants won’t cure insomnia but as part of a calming, stress-free routine they can certainly help. Jasmine, for example, is a flower that is said to have calming properties; its sweet fragrance lessens anxiety and peacefulness and promotes better sleep.
Then there’s the old favourite, Lavender, perhaps a love it or hate it fragrance, but it’s commonly used as an essential oil, whilst its smell has been proven to lower blood pressure and heart rate which in turn helps you to relax. The more relaxed you are the more likely you are to fall into a restful, restorative sleep.
TIP: Lavender can be found in many forms so you can find the best for you. Dab some essential lavender oil on your pillow; keep some dried lavender in a muslin bag beside the bed or burn a lavender candle at bedtime.
Another plant that you might want to incorporate into your life is the Areca Palm. A popular one for homes and offices, it’s not only easy to care for, but it adds moisture to the air as well as cleansing and purifying its surrounding atmosphere of unwanted toxins like formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, known to cause elevated stress levels and anxiety. Purer air is great for any working environment where stress may result as well as at home for improved sleep.
So, with a new love of incorporating more nature into our lives, why not pair this with a calming evening routine that involves switching off from all screens an hour before bedtime and turning on some calming classical music or sounds of nature.
4. Mindfulness
Mindfulness and meditation are not new concepts, but they have certainly become more popular over recent years as a part of a huge movement to fight, deal with and overcome stress in our hectic modern lives.
Many are turning to practices of yoga, mindfulness and meditation to find some calm and it seems to be helping; according to a study published in the journal Psychiatric Research, scientists have shown that ‘an eight week course of mindfulness, involving daily classes, can help lower inflammatory molecules and stress hormones by around 15 per cent.”
Mindfulness meditation is about being in the present moment, focusing on breathing and the now, and not yesterday’s meeting, tonight’s dinner or tomorrow’s deadlines. It takes practice and for some it can be frustrating because it is certainly not a quick fix. This is more about learning how in the long term to separate yourself from the stress and not allow it to take a full hold of your mind and body.
The great thing about meditation is that it is completely free. You only need to put aside time to practice it, and all the information and guidance you need is freely available online. If you’re interested in trying, why not find some meditation help or guidance on YouTube or websites like www.growforhumans.co.uk which offer short 5 or 10 minute guided sessions.
5. Communication is the key
Stress can be overwhelming but there is no reason why you must deal with it on your own. Whether you are stressed about work, money, or home, talking about it can help to alleviate the worry and anxiety that comes with it. We all know how good our brains are at worrying, so instead of losing control to the stress, talk to someone. Communication is often the best solution. Speak to a manager, a colleague, your partner, or your family and friends. Just telling someone that you’re feeling stressed can bring some relief because you are no longer alone in it and the chances are, they will have advice that can help you.
If you are not ready to talk, perhaps you can write it down, which can help you to process problems and look at them in a different way.
In summary, as we enter Stress Awareness Month, our advice is to understand what is causing you stress and strains and look at the ways to support yourself. If you feel able to, talk!
There are so many techniques and ways of reducing stress in our lives, some more obvious than others, but until you have tried them you just don’t know. Whether you find therapy in drawing, singing, dancing or running, the first step is sometimes just to try something different.
If you are concerned about managing stress in your organisation then get in touch with the ViewHR team today. If you need help yourself, here is a list of places to signpost yourself:
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably. A charity providing a mental health helpline and webchat.
Phone: 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)
Website: www.thecalmzone.net
Men’s Health Forum
24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email.
Website: www.menshealthforum.org.uk
Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)
Website: www.mind.org.uk
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org.uk
Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
Textcare: comfort and care via text message, sent when the person needs it most: www.sane.org.uk/textcare
Peer support forum: www.sane.org.uk/supportforum
Website: www.sane.org.uk/support
Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals.
Phone: Parents’ helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)
Website: www.youngminds.org.uk