While we are not out of the woods with COVID-19 yet, many businesses are beginning to plan for a gradual return to work.
For some employees, this will be a welcome relief from the isolation of remote work. But, for others, it will be a disruption that could feel even bigger than the shift to working from home. As a leader, you should see this change as an opportunity to demonstrate empathy and strengthen the connections that can help drive high performance. The return-to-work process provides you with an unprecedented opportunity to create new team norms and drive new ways of working. One critical part of being prepared for your team’s return is making sure you are taking care of yourself. Teams often become more motivated when they have a positive leader.
Join Heidi Roper and Jo Hompstead for an inspirational morning to help lead your teams back into the workplace.
Jo Hompstead, Founder of ConnectUp, has worked in roles that unlock the engagement of people for 20 years, with a variety of organisations. ConnectUp offers a bespoke mix of consultancy, facilitation, thinking space, team events and strategy development. Jo helps teams reconnect and reset so they can move forward with clear purpose, expectations and harmony. She also offers Workplace Mediation and works with large corporate organisations, leaders of teams of whatever size and owners of SMEs to build connection and meaning in people’s working life.
Join us on Friday 30th April at 10am. Sign up for free today.