The current conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Gaza is a deeply sensitive and very emotional subject for everyone across the world. In this blog, we understand how you can respond to any disagreements that may arise due to the conflict and how you can support those employees who are involved either directly or indirectly with the ongoing conflict.
How to support employees during the conflict
You may have employees with close personal connections with the on-going conflict, and as such you want to ensure that you are supporting these employees during this unsettling and emotional time. Some employees may have family or friends that are living in the conflict and are directly impacted by the current situation and who will be extremely concerned for their welfare.
You will need to ensure that you allow these employees to have some flexibility in the workplace should they need the additional support. It’s worth sitting down with them to understand what might assist them at this time, both emotionally and practically. Things you may want to consider allowing employees to:
- work more flexibly during this time, can you arrange for them to work from home, alter their start and finish times or even give them additional breaks should they need to contact and communicate with their loved ones.
- make or accept personal calls during work time to keep in contact with their family and friends.
- take some unpaid leave or extended holiday.
In some circumstances depending on the situation, employees may need emergency time off to deal with an immediate family crisis.
Regular catch ups and checking in is very important, as is signposting to any support that your business may have such as an Employee Assistance Programme.
Managing political discussions in the workplace
People have different beliefs, views and opinions, that is one of our great freedoms in our society. However, we must be mindful of how these views and beliefs are shared, and the impact that they have on others.
As an employer you can have policies in place that limit the discussions in the workplace around religion and belief, but you need to be mindful that you cannot stop these discussions taking place at all. Employees do have the right to hold their own beliefs under Article 9 of the Human Rights Act and as such they are protected.
You need to ensure that all employees are respected and treated equally if discussions around religious beliefs do take place, you must ensure that you address any inappropriate or insensitive comments and ensure that they are dealt with swiftly to prevent any discrimination.
The impact of the conflict can and may generate a high level of emotion amongst employees, employees may feel extremely anxious and some may even feel unsafe in their everyday lives.
The right to express our beliefs
As stated all staff are protected from all forms of discrimination, and religion and belief discrimination in particular is illegal in the UK and is listed as one of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Protection is given to those who have a belief and also for those who do not.
Employees can absolutely assert their right to discuss their personal beliefs in the workplace, an employer cannot stop them from doing so unless to do so there is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim; for example, if the conversations amount to the harassment of other members of staff.
If you are concerned that these conversations / comments are offensive, hostile or indeed intimidating then you must take complaints of this nature seriously and invoke your grievance procedure.
Offering support such as an employee assistance programme, counselling, and an early referral to any occupational health services are also important approaches for supporting employees whose mental or physical health may be affected by the crisis or its wider effects.
If you need further support around this issue or putting in place the relevant policies and procedure then ViewHR can support you with this so please do get in touch with the team to find out more.