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Hard to Fill Vacancies: Employer Brand

Over the last couple of weeks, ViewHR have been discussing the topic of hard-to-fill vacancies. We have reviewed data-driven decision making, reviewing your recruitment processes and now in this, the final blog of the series, we will explore the idea of creating an Employer Brand.

Firstly, what is an Employer Brand? The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) define employer brand as ‘a set of attributes and qualities, often intangible, that makes an organisation distinctive, promises a particular kind of employment experience, and appeals to those people who will thrive and perform best in its culture’. Lybrand (2018) adds to the definition of the CIPD noting that ‘an employer brand includes the market’s perception of your company as an employer.’

In essence, employer branding is a marketing exercise to attract top talent to your organisation; this is particularly important when you have hard-to-fill vacancies.

Recruitment Processes

The main interaction that candidates will have with your organisation is during the recruitment process. If you have not yet read our blog on this topic, click here. It is vital that candidates go through a smooth and effective recruitment process; not all applicants will get the role; however, all will have experienced a brilliant process that will leave the candidates wanting to apply again in the future. No doubt we have all faced what a bad process looks like, no replies, bad interviews, terrible induction – stand out as different! 

Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

An Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is your company’s core benefits that make up your wider Employer Brand. Think of it as a promise between an employer and a potential applicant. What can your company and culture offer them, in exchange for their talent, skills, and experience.

Creating an EVP is a worthwhile process but can at times be complex. Overarchingly, employers should follow these steps to creating an EVP:

  1. Research and Understand your Organisation. Begin by conducting a thorough analysis of your organisation’s culture, values, mission, and goals. Understand the current employee experience, gather feedback, and identify what sets your company apart from competitors. This research will provide a foundation for creating an authentic EVP. ‘To deliver benefits, it’s important that the employer brand is not merely rhetoric restating the organisation’s values, but reflects the actual experience of employees’ (Peters, 2022).
  • Identify Employee Segments. Different areas of your business may value different aspects of the work experience. Aim to segment your workforce by main relevant factors – see below:
  • Craft Compelling EVP Messaging. Once you know what sets your organisation apart, communicate it! Focus on articulating the unique benefits and value proposition your company offers. Use concise language, storytelling techniques, and visuals to communicate the EVP effectively.
  • Integrate EVP into Branding Efforts. Incorporate your EVP messaging consistently across all employer branding channels, such as career websites, job advertisements, social media, and recruitment materials.
  • Evaluate and Evolve. Again, focusing on data-driven decision-making, monitor key data to ensure the EVP is working well. Are you seeing more candidates, what feedback are successful applicants providing about your brand? Review and amend as you see fit according to the data.

In the quest to fill hard-to-fill vacancies, creating an effective Employer Brand becomes paramount. By understanding the concept of employer branding and its significance, organisations can attract top talent and stand out from the competition.

ViewHR is pleased to have been able to share our three methods of filling hard-to-fill vacancies – making decisions based on data, reviewing your recruitment processes and finally, creating a strong employer brand. When all three are combined and are implemented effectively, we know employers will see good recruitment results.

If your organisation needs further assistance in filling hard-to-fill vacancies, please contact us and we can work with you or your recruiters to help support.